Cutting the leash: break Datadog’s visibility tradeoffs and reduce APM costs by 86%
March 6, 2024
March 6, 2024

Cutting the leash: break Datadog’s visibility tradeoffs and reduce APM costs by 86%

Cutting the leash: break Datadog’s visibility tradeoffs and reduce APM costs by 86%

Learn how groundcover’s observability platform is redefining cloud-native application performance monitoring from infrastructure to production, at a fraction of the cost of your existing solution.

Watch a fully transparent breakdown of the costs of using groundcover vs. Datadog as we compare the pricing component of both platforms. Learn about the huge impact that groundcover’s unique inCloud architecture and proprietary eBPF sensor have on our pricing model, the level of data security we offer, and the installation and maintenance experience.

What we cover:

  • Dig deep - get to know how groundcover reduces your total cost of ownership by at least 86% compared to Datadog with a transparent, volume-agnostic pricing model.
  • The proof is in the throughputting - groundcover’s proprietary eBPF sensor delivers unparalleled data granularity with 3x less overhead than Datadog; find out how. 
  • Home-field advantage - learn how groundcover’s unique inCloud architecture enables total data security, privacy, and control, removing the need to send your data to a third-party vendor.

What we’ll cover:

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