Building custom dashboards on groundcover
Jul 12, 2023
July 12, 2023

Building custom dashboards on groundcover

Building custom dashboards on groundcover

Discover the advanced capabilities of groundcover as we dive into custom dashboard creation, explore the integration of native and custom metrics, and demonstrate the seamless user experience offered by our platform. Watch as we unpack the innovative features that make groundcover such a revolutionary innovation for developers and DevOps teams.

What we cover:

  • Core capabilities - learn about groundcover's out-of-the-box experience, which eliminates the need for manual setup and complex configurations.
  • Advanced dashboards creation - explore how to create custom dashboards using our managed Grafana integration.
  • Efficient data management - understand how our platform uses VictoriaMetrics for high-performance data management, allowing for the ingestion of a wide range of metrics, including those from Prometheus and other sources.
  • Building and managing alerts - see how to construct meaningful alerts directly from dashboards to quickly respond to changes and issues in your environment.

What we’ll cover:

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