Transforming observability with eBPF superpowers
Feb 13, 2024
February 13, 2024

Transforming observability with eBPF superpowers

Transforming observability with eBPF superpowers

Two of the leading innovators and thought leaders in the observability space discuss how eBPF is transforming application and infrastructure monitoring and troubleshooting.

Our guest speaker, Isovalent’s Bill Mulligan, sits down for an insightful conversation with groundcover’s co-founder and CEO, Shahar Azulay.

What we cover:

  • Uses of eBPF for observability - learn about Isovalent and groundcover’s journeys to choose eBPF over other options.
  • Pros and Cons of eBPF - delve into the advantages and limitations of using eBPF for observability.
  • Practical Use Cases - understand how an eBPF-powered observability solution lives within different software ecosystems.
  • Future Outlook - insights on upcoming developments and trends that developers, engineers and DevOps teams should look forward to.

What we’ll cover:

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